Music · Nickelback

Skinny Little Missy

Well, that was an “interesting” music video. It was the official lyric video for Skinny Little Missy by Nickelback.

The song is shallow, written at the level of a college kid who is getting high for the first time and thinks that the word salad he keeps repeating deserves a Nobel Prize in Literature.

But the most bizarre part isn’t how pointless the song is. It’s that the complete lyrics are in the description box… of a lyric video 🤔

To each their own. The song wasn’t my cup of tea, nor was the video. It reinforces the theory I proposed in a previous post: Nickelback relies on pyro and other distractions rather than talent and showmanship to keep a concert alive. By the time they are releasing music but not touring, they are going to need Scorsese directing their videos just to keep people listening.

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